UI Comparison: Assassin’s Creed Origins vs. Odyssey

UI Comparison: Assassin’s Creed Origins vs. Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey sits in an interesting position wherein, it is so very similar to it’s older brother, Assassin’s Creed Origins. So many of the screens, systems, and mechanics are inherited nearly exactly, and so it serves as a fun comparison to look at what parts of it’s UI it decided to change, and why. So hey, let’s do that!

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Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

If there is one absolute truth about my taste in games, it's that I love a good skill tree. I've always felt like a properly implemented skill system just adds so much depth to a game, and this can manifest in a huge number of ways. So when I learned that Assassin's Creed Origins was going to have a skill tree, I was pretty interested to see where it was going to go. Unfortunately, it’s was a bit of a disappointment…

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