Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

Why Skill Trees are Great (but not so much in Assassin's Creed: Origins)

If there is one absolute truth about my taste in games, it's that I love a good skill tree. I've always felt like a properly implemented skill system just adds so much depth to a game, and this can manifest in a huge number of ways. So when I learned that Assassin's Creed Origins was going to have a skill tree, I was pretty interested to see where it was going to go. Unfortunately, it’s was a bit of a disappointment…

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How Blue Dragon Fixed JRPG Class Systems

How Blue Dragon Fixed JRPG Class Systems

Games like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 5, and Bravely Default share a very similar class system with Blue Dragon. What I found to be especially interesting though, is that Blue Dragon's version felt like a notable step up from the others - not because it did anything especially crazy to the formula, but simply because of some small tweaks to alleviate the pain points in said formula…

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